God gave the first women a special position and status of helpmate to Adam. “A closer examination of Genesis 2: 18 belies this conception, however. The expression hezpmeet, used in some older versions, actually translates two Hebrew words. The second, 332 (neged), means “corresponding to” or “equal to” him.7 Eve being the first woman was taken out of the rib of Adam making him(man) incomplete without Eve(woman). Gen. 1:25–27.
Eve, the first woman and first wife was a woman of unique distinction, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:16 ,3:20). In Genesis 1:28 God commands and Eve along with Adam was tasked and blessed with the awesome responsibility to fulfill “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” The privilege to give birth is a gift and not misogyny. Misogyny is the hatred, contempt or prejudice against women and girls. God demonstrated no contempt, prejudice or hatred towards Eve. He only exhibited unconditional love and trust in her. She was never excluded, discriminated against, shown hostility, or belittled because of her part in the fall.