In this book women are cheaters especially Guinevere “ . . . ‘Good sir knight , I require you in the forest near by’ ” (p.231). Guinevere wants Lancelot to meet her in the forest where nobody will be able to see what happens between them. She cheats on King Arthur for the last time when when she and Lancelot get caught in her garden together “ . . . ‘since the first day that you came to Camelot, when I was little more than a girl,the bride of King Arthur, I saw you and loved you ‘ (p.301). Guinevere cheats on King Arthur not long after this meeting in the garden by kissing …show more content…
Sir Bors is staying at a damsels castle then she wants him to sleep with her and he politely declines, later that night he is awoken by the damsels servants. They are all about to jump off the highest place on the castle “ ‘ . . . have mercy on us and suffer our lady to have her will; for if you do not she will cast herself from this tower, and we must do the same and die with her.Save all our lives for if we die now surley you will be shamed forever” (p.259). These women are trying to make Sir Bors sin and be unworthy of the Holy Grail by trying to get him to sleep with her they even threaten with suicide. Sir Percivale is seduced by a damsel who pledges herself to him and only him “ ‘ . . . pledge me this bowl of wine, and swear that from henceforth you will be mine alone , and do all things that I command you” (p.253). She tries to get him to break his promise to his one and only lover which would make him unworthy of the Holy Grail. Women in this book want innocent men to be killed, for example the Lady of the Lake orders King Arthur to kill Balyn “ Give me the head of this knight who but now drew the sword which the damsel, I has rather that you cut her head off instead . . .”(p.25). Guinevere helps Lancelot kill a knight so he can get himself some armour.” . . . Then with the queen's help he strippedthe armour off the dead man and put it on himself”(p.306). This