Intro: 100 words
Women traditionally occupied a lower level than men, no matter what their standing may be in the feudal system. It was much harder for women to move up the feudal system, therefore the women’s standing in the feudal system was determined by the male in her life, whether it be a husband, father, or brother. At a time when wealthy men enjoyed stylish life, women had very hard times. Some women were even sold away as slaves. Yet, no matter what their standing may be, women were not valued, therefore not having many rights, and were expected to do hard things, however, there were still some opportunities that could have made their life easier. Need to introduce overall …show more content…
Unlike the working women of modern day, many women during the medieval period were expected to stay at home. Women were prohibited from joining trade. Moreover, skilled jobs like fighting were for men only, therefore women didn’t have to go to battle. Because women represented a large source of cheap labor, they quickly became the mainstay of the medieval economy. In many cases they would work along side men in the fields. Along with her daily job, a woman had many responsibilities when regarding her family. In addition to the intense labor, women had household duties to fulfill, especially if a woman was married. Village women were expected to cook for the family and take good care of their husbands. However, whilst women of the middle ages had so many duties, women were paid less than children's wages for their work. Where the pay was supposed to be the same as a man, women were paid less. For instance, the same hay making job, a man earned about 8 pence while a woman got 5 pence. Women in the middle ages had a hard time making a living as they had so much work for such a little …show more content…
The Middle Ages did not offer women many options of lifestyles. The slight escape was that given to nobles who were occasionally taught how to defend themselves and their castles, casting them the slightest bit of freedom and power. A woman could only be a noble if she was born into a noble family. This power however could backfire. If women had what would be referred to as “to much power,” they were seen as threats and accused of being witches. New options emerged, these options allowed them not only to live free of male dominance, but also to be educated and to use their creativity in areas like music, theater, science, and philosophy. The textile industry was dominated by women, especially the woolen and silk industries. In a hospital, women doing work were almost as important as men. Monasteries and convents in the Middle Age were like a ray of light in the dark for women in the Middle Ages. Women who found their future in a nunnery, either by their own choosing or otherwise, had the opportunity to be educated and in many occasions to develop their creativity without the pressure of a male figure. This freedom that nuns enjoyed allowed them to work and use their creativity in many different ways. Nuns were of higher class than peasants and respected more. As a nun, it was easier to move to a higher rank in the feudal system. Nuns lived in convents where they worshiped on gods. Convents were the only place