In “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston the main female character, Delia, was treated very poorly by her husband. Sykes,the husband said “You sho is one aggravatin’ nigger woman!” (Hurston 1) In other words he said that she was an annoying black woman. No man in their right mind disrespects their woman like that unless they are racist or simply don't like people of a specific race. A little later into
the story when Sykes left the house Delia went to lie down and take nap. He had her working washing and drying clothes , cooking, etc. When he went back to their home she was laying on his side of the bed and his rude response was “gimme some kivah heah, an’ git’ yo’ damn foots over on yo’ own side!”( Hurston 3).That was like him telling Delia to give him cover,get on her side, and don't touch him. The separations in their marriage was like segregation elsewhere .No woman deserves to be treated in such a disgracious manner no matter what the color of her skin is.
After the marriage of Sykes and Delia a lot of things changed. “She brought love into the union and he had brought a longing after the flesh.”(Hurston 3) Delia brought love into the marriage and all Sykes truly wanted was a person to push around. Women are strong and powerful being that deserve to be treated as queens not as servants . “Two months after the wedding, he had given her the first brutal beating.” (Hurston 3) He showed her that he was a powerful man and basically how she would be treated if she refused to obey. Just because she is a woman does not mean she deserves brutal treatment . Women are powerful beings. Respect them as much as possible whether it be girlfriend, fiancé , wife , mother , sister , or whomever because it will do you good in the long run.
Antagonizing a woman does no good, especially when she is one that takes good care of you. “If such a big fool dat you got to have a fit over a earth worm or a string, Ah don’t keer how bad Ah skeer you.”(Hurston 1) You’re scared of everything so I’ll keep scaring you and not care. Do not continue to do things that will hurt someone in anyway no matter if you care or not. “...mah tub of suds is filled yo’ belly with vittles more times than yo’ hands is filled it.” (Hurston 3) I’ve done more for you than you have ever and will ever do for me. She took good care of Sykes no matter how much he provoked her. Although men think that antagonizing a woman is what they are suppose to do, it’s not. If a woman take good care of you, the same should be done for her.
Delia was treated poorly, after her marriage she was abused, and Delia was consistently antagonized many time but remained humble. No one needs to be treated differently. Race and gender should not determine the level of respect that people have for one another. People deserve to be treated differently no matter what their race or gender is. This theme displayed in the text spoke to me as a reader the most.