In order to find a future spouse, they could “court” whomever their parents chose for them to. Courtships were chaperoned and kept pure. Public display of affection was frowned upon, for that was seen as disrespectful. Life after marriage was simple, the family would grow. With children and a working husband, women cooked every meal and cleaned the house while balancing their children's needs. From the natural, long locks of hair to plain, ankle length dresses, women modeled simplicity. Their unembellished clothing reflected their humble attitude. Women at this time had no time for a busy social life, for they spent their time caring for the household. As the bible states, women are not to hold any authoritative position over men. This means women should not vote or hold political offices, for they were to keep quiet and let the men handle the business. At this time, it was not proper for a women to think such ideas as these in the 1920s, yet women were not worried about what the men thought or what the bible teaches, for that matter. (The American Girl to all the …show more content…
Many women just adopted it simply because it was new. Many women expressed their views on why feminism was a positive idea. In fact, The National Women's Party evolved. Founded by Alice Paul, the NWP Women were stepping up and making their voice known. They excersised their right to picketing an open public demonstrations in order to gain attention for the rights of women. These women fought consistanly, enduring jail sentences, rejection, and violent confrontations with authority. Women fought long and hard for equality. Finally, on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment was ratified. Inconsequentially, this will backfire. As women gain more and more power, though only it be through working and voting, the future generations will know little of the past job their ancestors once had. (National Women's