The functions of women at that time were to raise children, domestic affairs, and to ensure the fulfillment and teaching of moral values to their offspring. The woman was responsible for maintaining the honor of her family. The women were subject to respect to their husband, and for that the education of the girls was entrusted to nuns so that she was submissive before what it demanded its …show more content…
Marriage alliances were in response to family strategies that reinforced the family's power ties. Through marriage, other people and their relatives were assimilated and wealth was strengthened, because the woman contributed a new family. Many Spaniards were accommodated arranging a good marriage to increase their patrimony. The wife allowed her family to assimilate the husband that is how women play an important role in the formation of society. On the other hand, the woman had to accompany the husband to charitable activities or go to mass. If the woman was widowed, she had to manage the goods and if business progressed, she would enter the male world.
Talking about different cultures, mestizo women played an important role in women's performance. The mestizo women were not respected, and they had to dedicate themselves to domestic and productive work. Marriage was an ideal in their lives, because the mestizo woman should not worry so much about maintaining her honor because they did not have a lineage to care for. At first, the mestizo in general, and therefore the woman, was frowned upon by the Creoles and the Indians. Then the whole society merged into mixed blood, and society became more complex about