Since prehistoric times, men have always been the ones who have been the breadwinners of the family. Cavemen would go out to hunt for food, while their wives would stay at home and look after the children. However, in our modern day, gone are the times when women were only good for cooking and child-bearing. Education has allowed women to surge to greater heights, not only in the working world but at home as well. Most men can no longer claim superiority over women based on being the sole breadwinner, and now, women play an equally important role as men in providing family income.
With greater education these days, women have also allowed themselves to play a larger role in shaping their children’s future. In the past, children only learnt in school most of the time, as their fathers were busy with work while their mothers did not learn enough to help them in their studies. Not all children were fortunate enough to have extra tutorship sessions. In our current times, women are now better equipped to help their children with the skills needed to help their children in the primary years of their education. Most women at least go through secondary education, which would be more than enough to tutor their children with. This has allowed for the development of greater minds as more children are able to cope with their studies even if they do not have tuition. In the long term, better education would help to develop our society even more. With the allowance of women to gain education, it has allowed them to play a