How can Indian cities be made more secure for women to protect their right to freedom of movement and safety? This series will focus on violence in the public domain and the responses, strategies and campaigns to resist such violence and make urban spaces safer for women at all times of the day or night.
* In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly established the United Nations Entity on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). UN Women combines the mandates and assets of UNIFEM, OSAGI,DAW and INSTRAW, with an expanded mission and vision. (for more information see about-un-women)
ABOUT JAGORI JAGORI (’AWAKEN, WOMEN’) is a women’s documentation, training and communication centre with the aim of spreading feminist consciousness to a wider audience using creative media. Established in 1984 Jagori is rooted in the experiences of the Indian women’s movement with a vision to help build a just society through feminist values. It defines its mandate as building feminist consciousness through identifying and addressing the capacity-building, information and networking needs of women, particularly those belonging to oppressed groups in rural and urban areas. Mission Statement: To deepen feminist consciousness with diverse stakeholders at the national and local levels through advocacy, perspective-building and supporting struggles against human rights violations of women and generating new body of knowledge.
Our Objectives
• Action research and production of creative feminist materials • Consciousness-raising and leadership development on women’s rights and gender equality • Supporting women’s struggles against all forms of violence ensuring access to safety, dignity, justice and rights • Creative campaigns and educational materials on key feminist concerns to respond to the programming and resource needs of women’s groups, community and field organisations, media and development organizations •