In Genesis, God created the sun, the moon, stars, animals and the land. God also created a man – Adam and a woman – Eve, and let them live together in Eden. The Tree of Life and the Knewledge of Good and Evil were placed in the middle of the Garden in Eden. God said not to eat and touch any fruit of tree. “You shall not eat from it and you shall not touch it, lest you die” (Genesis, Page 160). Meanwhile, the serpent tempted a woman to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, which could make her become as gods knowing good and evil. The woman listened to the sepent, ate the fruit and shared it with her husband. God got mad when he found out that they ate the fruit. Authority must be obeyed, if not you will be punished. To the woman, God said, “I will terribly sharpen your birth pangs, in pain shall you bear children. And for your man shall be your longing, and shall rule over you.”(Genesis, Page 161). Therefore, women now endure so much pain during childbirth and also are controled over by their husbands. To the man, God said, “Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded you…for dust you are and to dust shall you return.”(Genesis, Page 161). The only obedience is obedience to God, not somebody else. You are not supposed to listen to your wife and bad thing will happen when you listen to your wife. Women are portrayed as troublemakers and suffer more pain when they are
In Genesis, God created the sun, the moon, stars, animals and the land. God also created a man – Adam and a woman – Eve, and let them live together in Eden. The Tree of Life and the Knewledge of Good and Evil were placed in the middle of the Garden in Eden. God said not to eat and touch any fruit of tree. “You shall not eat from it and you shall not touch it, lest you die” (Genesis, Page 160). Meanwhile, the serpent tempted a woman to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, which could make her become as gods knowing good and evil. The woman listened to the sepent, ate the fruit and shared it with her husband. God got mad when he found out that they ate the fruit. Authority must be obeyed, if not you will be punished. To the woman, God said, “I will terribly sharpen your birth pangs, in pain shall you bear children. And for your man shall be your longing, and shall rule over you.”(Genesis, Page 161). Therefore, women now endure so much pain during childbirth and also are controled over by their husbands. To the man, God said, “Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded you…for dust you are and to dust shall you return.”(Genesis, Page 161). The only obedience is obedience to God, not somebody else. You are not supposed to listen to your wife and bad thing will happen when you listen to your wife. Women are portrayed as troublemakers and suffer more pain when they are