“Woman's Suffrage (Not Universal Suffrage)” by Ann Gordon is a historical analysis of the process white women suffragists followed and how race played a more prevalent role than one has thought of before. White women's demands for suffrage date back to the mid-19th century, starting with women speaking at constitutional conventions and state legislatures. Suffragist organizations such as the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and the American Women's Suffrage Association (AWSA) were created to explore women's suffrage through two different avenues; through individual states or a constitutional amendment. The AWSA focuses its efforts on specific issues that a constituency of women would find important, such as votes for schools and…
The purpose of this book is to clearly inform people on the women’s suffrage women faced in the 1800’s to the early 1900’s. Also, to inform readers on why the convention happened and the events that led up to the convention. Cultural history is the tone as it focuses on Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Coffin Mott, Lucy Stone, and Susan B. Anthony contribution leading up to Seneca Falls Convention. McMillen thinks highly of the original tales about women’s rights and the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments.…
Women in United State went through great challenges, to change the societal views and discriminations on them. The suffrage movements, during 1848 to 1920, were accentuated with their strong assertion of their natural rights as human beings, just like any other great builders of what is now called United States of America. Subtle approaches to guarantee democratic representation of women were taken through factual, logical, and informational reasoning for their assertion.…
Women are no different than men when it comes down to civil rights and voting! In the article “Womans Rights to the suffrage” Susan B. Anthony’s article was the most compelling because of the evidence and dictation. She is the women that allowed women to work not at home, allowed women to vote, and most importantly allowed women to be a citizen!…
Women emerged as strong advocates during abolitionism as many began to question their own status in America during the fight to eliminate slavery (6). They wanted freedom from the domestic sphere they were confined too. However, instead of waiting for their government to change the laws, they began a social movement with the skills they learned during abolitionism such as “organizing, political and rhetorical skills” (7). Finally, in 1919, the 19th amendment was passed by Congress giving women the right to vote. After gaining the right to vote the movement continued with women fighting to “be allowed to achieve their own personal dreams and to be valued for themselves, not just for how well they serve their husbands and children” (9).…
Florence Kelley, in her speech delivered to the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1905, implies that women’s suffrage and other problems at the time, such as child labor, go hand in hand. Kelley’s purpose is to emphasize that if women’s suffrage is gained, it could be the bridge to solving many other problems in America. She adopts a blunt and sarcastic tone in order to appeal to the emotions and guilt of the women of the 1900’s.…
It’s women like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns that had the determination and the strength to do what other women were afraid of doing, which was to voice their opinions in a society governed by men. They refused to work with the traditional system of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and calmly waited for the President, Wilson to decide that he wanted to support an amendment giving all American women the right to vote. Paul and Burns lead the National Woman's Party to picket in front of the white house from dusk ‘till dawn holding signs saying, “Mr. President how…
When, Susan B. Anthony (one of the first suffragettes), got the “crazy” notion to be able to have an opinion on political matters, men’s pride was about to pick a fight with one of the strongest forces this world has ever known, woman. When first brought to Congress in 1848, it wasn’t even thought about. No was the only response for such an absurd notion. However, women were just getting started. They marched…
In early 20th century America, many people did not even think of women voting as an option for themselves or the people around them. Many were misinformed about the topic of women’s suffrage, until people like Carrie Chapman Catt worked with organizations, such as the National American Woman’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA), to educate and motivate the masses. Catt gave commanding speeches, provided much-needed enthusiasm, and was an excellent organizer, making her years working with and leading the NAWSA a huge success. Her leadership disrupted the style and strategy…
Women had to endure and go through many struggles in order to gain freedoms that were automatically given to free, white men. The journey to gain these rights was difficult and took many years to complete. Women had to prove that were “worthy” enough to vote and have the rights of men. After years of these difficulties, women were finally granted the ninth amendment: the right to vote. The country can never forget how it came to be, however. During much of the 1800s and in the beginning of the 1900s, women had to fight for their right to vote through petitions, protests, and letters.…
This was an age of social involvement and political progression in the United States between the period of 1890 and 1920s. The main reason for undergoing this process was to purify the government by making efforts to eliminate corruption by revealing the political masters and machines. A large number of citizens supported the movement to ensure the elimination of the political masters that concentrated in public houses. Women’s suffrage was noticeable that was aimed at ensuring purer women’s participation in the field. The movement began at the local levels and grew up to the national levels. Besides the…
From the time period of 1900-1920, woman’s rights gained popularity with women, who fought and had some success but were only truly successful in their struggle due to the federal government’s efforts. At this time, there were countless women’s organization in existence that embraced the reform movement and led efforts for change. The National Council of Jewish Women, the National Congress of Mothers, and the Women’s Trade Union League are just a few among many. In fact, there were over one million members in the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1912. With these numbers, women could have joined together and gotten the right to vote, however they faced many challenges. Perhaps the largest disadvantage they met was disunity. Until the National American Women Suffrage Association was formed, there was no single group devoted to getting voting rights for women. Different groups had different methods and reasons that sometimes contradicted each other. Also, in many cases, African American women were excluded from these groups…
Only 100 years have passed where women were granted the right to vote because they were perceived as uneducated therefore unable to vote. Since long ago, women were perceived to be property of their husbands. They were to stay at home, cook, and take care of the children restricted of having an education and career. They were stripped of their political and property rights because of men who saw it unfit for women to have basic human rights. Women had to face the constant humiliation and condemnation that men brought on because they weren’t born as males.…
In most modern governments, such as the United States of America, give the right to vote to almost every responsible adult citizen. There were limiters on the right to vote when the US Constitution was written, and the individual states were allowed to setup their own rules governing who was allowed to vote. Women were denied the right to vote until the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution which was passed in 1920. In order to understand how women struggled to obtain the right to vote, some key factors must be looked at in further detail; why suffrage rights were not defined in the Constitution, the efforts that women put forth to obtain the right to vote, why there are present-day restrictions on voting, and the implications of Suffrage in current political policy.…
Imagine having only one purpose in life: to serve men. Your place was to cook, clean, bear children, and look pretty. You had no right to vote or to live your own life in the way you wanted to. This is what women have faced for countless years leading up to the Women’s Rights Movement. Even though many women took on tremendous workloads and dangerous risks during the American Revolution, they still were not granted freedom. It was in early July, 1848 when action is finally take. The Women’s Rights Movement was a major event that led to an abundance of new opportunities for women and left behind an ever-lasting drive for women to continue their fight for equality.…