
Woodrow Wilson's Involvement In World War I

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Woodrow Wilson's Involvement In World War I
With Germany's declaration of submarine warfare, the Zimmerman note, and the sinking of seven United States ships where all events that led President Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany. The United States had not gotten involved with World War I for three years, holding a neutral option about the war. After these events however, on April 2, 1917, Wilson declared war on Germany thus having the United States become part of the Allies. With the war on the horizon, Wilson had to ensure that America was prepared for the war. This included having the American people support the war, reforming the armed forces, and making sure American economy did not suffer.
Wilson not only had to have Congress agree with the declaration of war, but he also
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With the need for workers, thousands of union and worker strikes broke out for the betterment of working conditions. Needing the workers, many of the factories agree to the new conditions, and the National War Labor Board passed higher wages, lowering the worker’s day to eight hours, and time and half pay for for workers going over time were placed in factories. Women at home saw that manufacturing factories were in need of workers because most of the worker joined the war effort. Women jumped at the idea of having manufacturing job because it had a higher pay. Women not only worked in factories, but they also served with the American Expeditionary Forces. They served as nurses, clerical workers, and telephone operators for the war. While the betterment of working conditions was happening during the war, it began to worsen once the war was over. Women gave their new jobs to the soldiers once they returned from the war. Working conditions also started to go back to the way they were before the war. Workers and unions went on strike after work conditions worsened, but these people on strike were now being called socialists, their demands were ignored, and African Americans were given their jobs. This new war time work system was only a temporary was only put into effect during the war, and America went back to the way it was before the

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