Woodrow Wilson –In 1917, he relented and took America into the war against Germany. After the war, he strove to develop the League of Nations and impose a fair peace settlement on the defeated parties. He initially sought to keep America out of the global conflict.
Georges Clemenceau- he was French Prime Minister in the year 1917-1920. His leadership showed that he was a key figure in holding French in resolve fight for total victory. Therefore, when others considered negotiating a treaty with Germany, Georges Clemenceau took a harsh position against Germany at the Treaty of Versailles. Hence, the reason it was given the name “Tiger”.
Kaiser Wilhelm II- …show more content…
The notorious acceptance of mass casualties prompted widespread mutinies in the French and Russian forces. The very names of Gallipoli and General Douglas Haig brought up visions of unimaginable, unnecessary slaughter, with industrial age weaponry blasting row after row of young bodies into bloody bits. It would hasten the emergence of anti-colonial movements and strips the legitimacy of military, social, and political institutions. Many of the young people who had ardently entered service would be disillusioned; a lost to their generation. War Aims and Consequences Were Poorly Communicated. The Great War was notable for the development of mass propaganda. However, the capacity to communicate did not necessarily result in clarity or transparency. For example, the surrender of Germany in November 1918 was widely misconstrued.
Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff - He was a good general and also a bloodless calculator of a person; he basically in many ways was a dictator for the last two years of the war. Many of the German field army commanders were fine professionals, including the Crown Prince. The Germans had the good sense to remain on the defensive after 1914, except Verdun in 1916, and their final do or die, they won the war offensive of 1918. After Russia was knocked out of the war, and which the Americans were instrumental in stopping, though the French and …show more content…
Alvin York- He helped in leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 35 machine guns and killing at least 28 German soldiers, while capturing 132 others. York's unit was forced to attack through a triangular valley and quickly came under German machine-gun fire on several sides from the adjacent hills. That stalled the attack as the Americans began taking heavy casualties. Picking off the German gunners, York was able to move to a standing position as he evaded enemy fire. Believing he had killed around 20 Germans, and not wishing to kill more than necessary, he began calling for them to them to surrender. In doing so, they overran and captured a German headquarters area and secured a large number of prisoners including a major. After his platoon suffered heavy casualties and three other noncommissioned officers had become casualties, Cpl. York assumed command. Fearlessly leading seven men, he charged with great daring a machine gun nest which was pouring deadly and incessant fire upon his platoon. In this heroic feat, the machine gun nest was taken, together with four officers and 128 men and several