First World War, also known as the Great War began on July 1914 until November 1918, and it was divided into two powers, the Allies and the Axis. United States of America under the presidency …show more content…
of Wilson for almost three years chooses to stay neutral, taking no sides since the population of America was mixed. The balance and peace was destroyed by this war and since the United States was held as the greatest economic and political country, Wilson concluded that they had to take their place and fulfill the destiny of saving the world’s peace. His politics were related to repudiation of those communist policies and he promised on ending the war and building a permanent peace world order. The beneficiary of the United States because of joining the war was tremendous; economy as well as the industry prosperity boomed. Its entry into the war signed the beginning of its role as a world power. Wilson’s aim was not to make the United States of America the only superpower in the world, his goal was as simple as human, to save the world from this terrible war and to give its peace.
After almost 3 years of the beginning of the war, at the end of the 1916 the war took the lives of many soldiers and belligerent parties who seemed like not bringing it to an end, so Wilson took its position and claimed that was the duty of U.S. country to prevent this war. After the spread of news that U.S. was going to participate into the war, Germany quickly responded with the threat of submarine warfare. After Wilson took this message he broke the diplomatic relations with Berlin, so now his purpose was war. On second April, 1917, President Wilson asked the Congress to declare war in Germany because according to him, Germans were “warfare against mankind.” Now Wilson used to think that to promote establishment of peace into the world, they firstly had to become combatants, therefore, at the peace conference he thought of outlawing of revolution and aggression, advocating democracy and the Open Door. He hoped to preserve part of his country’s status as a neutral by designating the U.S. an “Associated” power. In 1917, in order to spread the administration’s campaign into the world, Wilson formed the Committee on Public Information (CPI) headed by George Creel. This propaganda agency took some of the most talented scholars and writers in order to uniform the public opinion and it stimulates
After one year of the end of the First World War, in Paris in 1919 was held a meeting of the Allies victors, called Paris Peace Conference, in which the main purpose was to create the League of the Nations. The Big Four, part of which was the President of that time in United States, Woodrow Wilson, try to work on setting peace for defeated central powers. During the meeting, the winners insisted that Germany must pay its demands during the war. On the other hand Wilson required from Germany to damage U.S. too, but he was unable to reach the Allied position so he just gave away.
President Wilson worked too much on the centerpiece of his plans for the postwar world, but despite his efforts to set up the League of Nations, for which on October 1919 he was rewarded with the Nobel Peace Prize too, he failed to join it due to the Senate who do not supported ratification.
After the end of the Second World War 1945, the United States of America emerged as a superpower into the world both with Soviet Union, creating a bipolar world helped transform its perception in the world. Europe had been decimated by the war; nations in Asia, Africa, and South America that had been under colonial control now were free to pursue their own destinies. The fact that North America had been under the control of none, distinguished it from other conquered nations. At the end of WWII, approximately most of the European industry and economy was destroyed, and people suffered from poverty. But now United States of America have the opportunity to fulfill their plan in saving the world peace order. So, in 1948 the Secretary of State George C. Marshall launched the Marshall Plan which contained a financial recovery program in help to European nations, even that in essence it was as an instrument to achieve United States’ purposes in Western Europe. Furthermore, in 1947 was set an American foreign policy called Truman Doctrine, which consisted on American support for those other nations, such as Greece and Turkey, who were threaten by Soviets. Harry S. Truman, who proclaimed this doctrine, claimed to the Congress that if any of these countries fall under control of Soviet’s imperialism, it could be bad for the Middle East, bringing many disorders throughout it. Also in the same year, on July, in effort to oversee branches of the armed serviced was created the Office of Secretary of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency in order to get oversees secret information.
To sum up, under the presidency of W. Wilson the main purpose for the post-war era was to prevent the war and set a world peace. But under the factors of war he failed in doing so, even that America took advantage shifted into a creditor nation and still remaining the world power. The plan and hope for peace during Wilson administration seemed to be fulfilled later on after the end of the World War II. United States created organizations and commissions, such as Marshall Plan or Truman Doctrine as recovery programs in order to help European countries and not only, to recover their-selves from the war era and set the peace order. Moreover, the economic increase after wars changed America’s views about their-selves and the world.