Student ID:21443437
A.) A trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from the everyday pressure of life.
B.) You should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at the beach.
2. Spelling Grammar; grammatical errors such as punctuation; improper use of homophones (words which sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings) like their and there, staying on topic and not going off on tangents.
3. A) cliché- An expression that has been overused to often that it has been worn-out. B) when my sister tends to go on interminably when telling a story, we have to nip it in the bud, and not give her the opportunity to begin her tale.
4. Freewriting and brainstorming is a helpful component of prewriting; it involves writing down every idea and thought that comes to mind, when determining what topic you would like to write about and how you will go about it. freewriting is like an unstructured outline, and once you determine the specific idea you’d like to pursue, you can dispose of all irrelevant information.
5. C) Let me explain how to make my favorite sandwich. When making my favorite sandwich its best to have the correct type of bread such as Sunbeam one of my favorites of all time. The first step to making my sandwich you have to toast two slices of bread until its golden brown. Once the bread is cooled off you lightly squeeze a small amount of mustard. Then you would apply a piece of ham and add the other slice of bread on top. To finish off the sandwich you would have to cut it down the middle. Serve it on a plate and enjoy!
6. A) Following instructions is very important.
Following instructions is very important in many facets in our lives. Instructions serve a purpose, and that to let you know the important orders in which steps need to be accomplished and how to achieve the most desirable outcome. It’s always a good idea to read all the instructions before beginning,