1. You are a worker in a residential facility for persons with a disability. The residents are supposed to be encouraged to do as much as possible for themselves even though this can be time consuming for the staff. You notice that one of your colleagues does everything herself, not giving the residents time to attempt the tasks themselves. You remind her that she is not following the ethical guidelines of the organisation but she says she hasn’t got time to wait for the residents to do things and in the interests of efficiency she just does it herself. What can you do about this?
• Report it to supervisor
• sit down with clients in meeting and set SMART goals
• explain it to her that it is a matter of wellness for clients not efficiency. That the job is about empowerment of clients
• refer her to appropriate training
• show her clients are capable
• show her the guidelines
• reinforce the concept of “dignity of care”
2. What should an organisation do to minimise the likelihood of a conflict of interest arising?
• make sure everyone understands policies and procedures
• make sure there is strong communication processes
• asking if there are any conflicts of interest and addressing them at meetings
• ensure good data bases to detect any conflicts of interest
• regular review of policies and procedures
3. Scenario: You are a support worker in mental health. You have a client who presents with multiple issues. He is 18 years of age, homeless, has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and is self medicating with alcohol and marijuana.
You need to make 2 referrals: 1) to the Dept of Housing and 2) to a drug and alcohol counsellor
What issues will you keep in mind?
• confidentiality
• ethical and legal
• difficult and challenging behaviour
• support with housing
• ensure keeps meetings with professionals eg. psychiatrist, caseworker
• appropriate support for mental illness