Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker
Also how to operate a Fax Machine, sending a document to the other office..
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker
Also How to operate a Xerox Machine and of course most Important of all, how to use a Bundy clock..hehehe .. From the Picture shown Below.....
Only so much for that as of now,..........................")
Posted by Jhon Bert D. Coral at 6:28 AM
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Monday, February 28, 2011
TRip LaNG...!!!!
Picture Captions Picture Captions
Posted by Jhon Bert D. Coral at 11:30 PM
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My Fav. vedeos...
Feelin' Roots
Respect D' LocalS
Posted by Jhon Bert D. Coral at 7:12 PM
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0 comments aDDitional Experiences .....
This is my additional Experiences as an OJT at the Philippine Coconut Authority. For me, I considered this as an additional knowledge as a computer literate because as a computer literate It's important also to know the different parts of computer either from hardware or software, and other devices like fax machine and xerox machine. and I considered it also an additional advantages in applying jobs because for me it is an additional skills for my upcoming future .
So here are the photos below refreshing the moment that I Called Additional Knowledge and