Work groups consist of two, or more, people combining their individual knowledge to complete a goal or task that meets the needs of the company. A work group is mainly a formal group when the sole purpose of the gathering is benefiting the company as a whole. While the personalities may not necessarily mesh together, and one person’s job doesn’t necessarily effect another’s, the work combined meets the goal. This type of group is easily built, as it usually contains one or more people from the different departments, such as accounting, marketing and research. The three departments, though individual, benefit the company when all the parts work together. Grouping these folks together provides ultimate efficiency for the company.
There a few different types of formal groups. A command group and a task force generally answer to one supervisor. While the command group is usually permanent, the task force is built to answer a specific need and then dissolved when the job is over. Similarly, teams are also temporary, consisting of people who work closely to achieve a common goal. The team may be self-managed, whereby the members have an assigned leader that coordinates the efforts of the other members, while no formal manager is involved.
An informal group, such as a church a group, bowling league, or all groups that consists of people with the same interests. These folks are often friends and gather not only to help each other in their tasks, but to provide each other with outside socialization. This group is even easier to put together, because the interests are the same, even though the skill level varies.
Unlike the groups, teams depend on the relationships between the members. Since they work so closely, and the success of the project effects all equally, teams are much harder to build. Management must take into consideration, not only the specialty and experience of each member, but the personalities that are being thrown together. In