His book described the disease, spoiled, and contaminated meat which stunned the public which led to new federal food laws. The book is his fictionalized story of Chicago’s Packingtown. The title was the reflection of the how he saw the cruelty in meat-packing industry. The main character, “Jurgis” took the job at the Durham thinking this would help better his life, but this job was based on Armour & Co., the leading Chicago meat packer. He witnessed how the company would make the assembly line much faster and still pay workers the same amount of money. Also, how the company cheated workers out of their money by not paying them for working part of their hours. Men who worked there had skin diseases, tuberculosis and some had bad backs for carrying 100 pounds of meats. Also, men were spitting and coughing up blood near the meat station and plus the company had no restroom so they would urinate on the floor. For lunch, workers did not have an area to eat so they ate at their work area. The next chapter of his book stated how disease, spoiled, and contaminated meat were processed resulted from chemicals, and how they mislabeled their food. Workers would process…
Bibliography: Lawson, Steven F. "Colonization and Conflicts." Exploring American Histories. By Nancy A. Hewitt. Vol. 1. N.p.: Bedford/St. Martin 's, 2013. 44. Print.…
many were malnourished. Not only were their after work lives horrid but they also had terrible work…
The fast food industry has become a growing epidemic that has continued to grow. Because of this increase in the industry the way that meat is made has become more simple than ever. There are humongous machines that cut down all the parts of the meat however the problem is that the cattle as a result are treated brutally. Most of them are killed while still alive and are shocked with an electric rod and killed in an instant. The cattle business has become competitive and the way the cattle are treated has become worst each year.…
Late 19th century America was a time of both prosperity and poverty. Although it is often remembered by the luxurious lives of those like the Rockefellers and Carnagies, the majority of the population was a struggling working class. Entire families worked for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in dangerous, unsanitary factories just to have enough money for dinner and the issue of upgrading these working conditions quickly came to the forefront of American reforms. The movement towards organized labor from 1875-1900 was unsuccessful in improving the position of workers because of the initial failure of strikes, the inherent feeling of superiority of employers over employees and the lack of governmental support.…
The workers tried to make this better by going on strike to change the work hours and their pay to be better but the employers tried to pass a law to where the workers could not go on strike but the workers got their way and got better working hours and better pay, but it was many years before that happened but when it did the work hours were better and pay was…
In the 19th century the majority of the working class were workers, domestic servants, factory hands and agricultural laborers. The remaining of the working class were people that were unskilled, semiskilled, or skilled in jobs like mining, fishing transporting, garment industry, building or any other manual trades. Since manual labor was in great demand in the 19th century the working men’s income was higher in their twenties because they were at their physical peak. As their physical conditions weakened so did their pay. Children born into the working class society also starting working at a young age in order to help with the family expense, and try to raise their income above the poverty level.…
Imagine a scrawny, scarred plantation worker living in the 1800’s out in Hawaii, hunched over all day long with fresh blood dripping down his muddy hands. Slapping at stinging wasps, and soothing scars all day, he struggles to live. This is just another day in the life of a Hawaiian immigrant worker, struggling through life. To keep it short- these plantation workers don’t have it easy. “What is a Hawaiian immigrant plantation worker?”…
The IWW was a much different union then seen in previous years. IWW believed that most trade unions during it’s promoted same industry worker competition. To be specific, this ultimately would lead worker competition especially seen in terms of wages. In the 1900’s there where multiple different unions; each of which was usually divided by race, gender, or skill. The IWW (Industrial workers of the world) sought a very different type of union apart from trade or craft. For the first time a union truly wanted to organize all the workers from any given union into one big union, regardless of race, gender, or skill. This was a bold idea considering race and gender discrimination was…
For many girls who lived in 1835, they lived on a farm with their families working at home living under the men in the house. They did not go to college as often as their male counterparts. Word began to spread of a place where anyone of any social class could live and work for a high wage. Soon girls from all over began to migrate to these factory towns know as Lowell cotton mills. The industrial age in America was an innovative time in American history.…
During the 19th century, big business, along with greedy company owners made ruins of the American people and other small businesses for that matter. The typical American industrial worker in the late 1800’s didn't make nearly enough to support a wife and children. On average, industrial jobs would be making 1-3 dollars per week. This forced women and young children to be put to work, in order to survive. There were children that were pitted inside mines, factories, and mills, where often they would lose a limb, and not be compensated.…
By the mid 1800s, machines began to take over the industrial economy. More and more machines began to be used to produce clothing, shoes, watches, guns, and farming supplies. The working conditions in the factories in the mid 1800s on the other hand, was very harsh and dangerous. It was very easy to get caught in a machine, and get badly injured. The average workday for employees was 11.4 hours a day. Not only was the machines moving at a rapid pace, but children that had to work, would end up getting caught in it.…
The patient comes in and says “Doctor! I just cut my foot open and I need emergency surgery done or else I will loose the ability to use my foot again!” The Doctor replies “Well if you had any Medicare from your job or any kind of rights I would be able to perform the surgery for you so you could keep working. But then again you could be replaced because you will be inactive for a while too.” “Yeah your right!” replies the patient. Work in the 1890s was tough many people didn’t have a choice but to go to work injured or sick. Many people were killed during the 1800s due to working with out and sort of benefit; over 3,000 deaths a year were reported . People who…
Why does the process of the factory affect the efficiency of the workers? The slaughtering, processing, and packaging of meat done by the immigrant workers at meat industries has caused high incidence of accidents, injuries and illnesses. In the article, by Barbara,Young,“Zoned for Efficiency” it connects to the points in Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser about how the workers need to stay working at a fast pace in order for the meat packing industry to make more money. If the workers are on track then the process of the meatpacking industry is doing excellent.The way meatpacking plants operate it leads to mistreatment of the predominantly immigrant workers who already are not paid enough for their labor.…
Child labor in America during the 1800s to the early 1900s was very dangerous for the living conditions of children. Some of the problems children experienced were health issues, extended hours, and not getting an education. In order for children to receive a better education, reform movements were made by teachers and church members to end child labor. Lillian Wald and Florence Kelley were some of the leaders of movements that made it successful at ending child labor. Other reform movements were: Working Women’s Societies, National Child Labor Committees, and National Consumers’ League. Child labor laws were established and it became illegal for children to be forced to work in hazardous conditions.…