Table of Contents
Chapter One
3 Introduction
Chapter Two
Literature Review
4 Sustainability Report
5 Forbes Insights
6 Reference 3
Chapter Three
7 Methodology
Qual: Interview
Qual: Survey
Quant: FM
Chapter Four
8 Discussion
Chapter Five
10 Conclusion
11 Sources
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd was founded in 1938 Seoul, Korea. The company has been around for decades, providing the world with “electronic products & device solutions”[9]. Not only do they build devices, over 80 different businesses exist under the Samsung name. Their workforce consists of more than 370,000 employees to this day. This is more than all of its top competitors combined. Throughout the course of this Spring 2013 quarter, I have conducted a project on the financial management of Samsung. After extensive review of the firm’s annual 10k report, their tactics appear to be quite impressive. The corporation has integrated an innovative diversity management program as part of their strategic sustainability. They have invested a significant amount of their treasury into their staff. This seems to have seized positive results in employee performance. We will be evaluating this program and its significant weight within the workforce.
Literature Review
Sustainability Report
Samsung’s Annual 10k includes a Sustainability Report that effectively defines their new diversity management program.[7] It is a précis of the research and development that was involved. This is perhaps the most reliable source thus far. It is a publication devised by the corporation itself and delivers their perspective.
First highlighted was the firm’s interest in recruiting both domestic and foreign workers. “Global talent” is a priority that has definitely not been overlooked. The report continues on to emphasize their practice of anti-discrimination. Samsung has always aspired to be a global business leader and needs global