A) Workforce Planning - is the business process for ensuring that an organization has suitable access to talent (potential candidates that have the ability to undertake required activities including decisions making) to ensure future business success. Access to talent includes considering all potential resources (employment, contracting out, partnerships, changing business activities to modify the types of talent required, etc.). The cycle of workforce planning includes filling resource requests, analyzing resource utilization, forecasting capacity, managing and identifying the resources (human) to fill that capacity, and then restarting the cycle.
B) Importance of Workforce Planning – It is important that some business owners who just wait and try to react to current events will not thrive in the long run. The rate of change in the talent market can dramatic, and most people understand the importance of the talent to success of any business.
C) Possible outcomes of poor workforce planning – there are some factors that will affect the organizations if there is poor in planning like: 1) inability to execute new business opportunities 2) delayed product to market 3) inability to operate at full capacity 4) strategic projects delivered over budget.
D) Steps in Workforce Planning
There are five fundamental activities that make up a Workforce Plan:
* Environment Scanning - is a form of business intelligence. In the context of Workforce Planning it is used to identify the set of facts or circumstances that surround a workforce situation or event.
* Current Workforce Profile - Current State is a profile of the demand and supply factors both internally and externally of the workforce the organization has ‘today’.
* Future Workforce View - is determining the organizations needs considering the emerging trends and issues identified during the Environment Scanning.
* Analysis and Targeted Future - Once critical