
Working Conditions During The Industrial Revolution

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Working Conditions During The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period in history that began in the 18th century to the 19th century, where major changes in technology and agriculture had a huge effect on people, starting in Great Britain. Before the Industrial Revolution, all countries were in the primary sector; which involved the extraction of Earth's resources. People made all products out of hand making manufacturing very slow at the time. Most people lived in the country to focus on farming, because traveling back and forth was a pain. Roads were extremely dangerous and traveling took forever, people had to walk or use carriages (if you were fortunate enough) which still took a very long time. As the Industrial Revolution began, people started manufacturing at homes …show more content…
The working conditions were burdensome and sometimes tragic, depending on what part people worked in. Workers were forced to work 12 to 16 hours a day, six days a week, no paid vacations or days off. Salary has been often $8-$10 dollars a week; meaning only 10 cents an hour. Hours and pay were no different if people worked in the riskier part of the factory, with the heavy machinery and boiling hot temperatures. Unfortunately, many tragedies did happen due to such conditions, injured workers were abandoned and lost their jobs, didn’t receive any financial compensation to pay for their health cares. Factories were dirty and dark; the only light source would be the sunlight from the very few windows. Many people ended up lung diseases and eyes problems because machines ran in streams from fires, smoke was everywhere. Lastly, working in a factory involved being productive at all times; meaning absolutely no socializing. But, as time went by technology and machines continued to improve and people were starting to realize the conditions of work; conditions and pay started improving. Work ended up being more acceptable as years went …show more content…
I think if it weren't for these effects in history, the world wouldn’t be the same and none of us would be here. The Industrial Revolution inspired many inventors and scientist to build and get more advanced in technology and health. Also, the Industrial Revolution opened up many doors for manufacturing and industrialization everywhere. If the Industrial Revolution never effected history the way it did, we would have never been as technologically advanced as we are now. The world wouldn’t be the same, we wouldn’t have computers and education. We would have probably been stuck in a time era of poor condition and low education. The Industrial Revolution spread throughout the world, countries turned from the primary sectors into the secondary and tertiary sectors. The Industrial Revolution left a positive impact on history, for the

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