The ability to act on the basis of self-knowledge, creating environments, guiding behavior, and making decisions based on an accurate picture of oneself. People that have intrapersonal intelligence know themselves well. They aren’t forced into molds, and they make decisions based on what is right for themselves. They possess a strong sense of identity and purpose.
Jackson’s learning Styles Profiler Jackson (2005) developed a hybrid model of personality and learning known as the learning styles profiler(LSP).The outcomes can be best understood in terms of how conditions and experiences control , discipline , and re-express the biological based scale of sensational seeking. The Learning Styles Profiler is categorised into Instinctive and Conscious learning.Instinctive learning includes Sensation Seeker .Conscious thinking learning includes Goal Oriented Achiever, Emotionally Intelligent Achieve, Conscientious Achiever, Deep Learning Achieve. Sesantional seeker score suggests an oriented person who loves to get involved in new activities which helps to generate new learning opportunities. Goal Oriented Achiever is the person who sets learning goals which are generally both hard and specific and who has the self-confidence which are able to achieve these goals. A Emotionally Intelligent Achiever score suggests a low avoidance person who is able to learn from mistakes. Conscientious Achiever is responsible and wise learner who uses complex higher level learning and goals to understand difficult to interpret information (such as to do with social rules, norms and conventions).
And At-last Deep Learning Achiever score indicates a learner who has a ’love of learning’ and is open to new ideas.