and split it up to make it to pay for college monthly, the outcome is around $1,400 every two weeks for a total of $2,800 a month. On one hand, you have a student who is having student loans pay for every bit of college while building interest throughout the process and you also have a student who is paying off $1,000 a month. This means instead of having $25,000 in student loans for one year, the working student will only have $17,000 in student loans. Working through college can pay off in more than just money.
One example would be the time management skills you will acquire from working and going to school. Both school and work require a lot of effort and attention. In school, you will have projects, essays, and assignments due on certain days. While working, you have to make sure that you’re able to work your school assignments while also working at your job (thebalance). When you’re given a schedule from your school and job, you have to carefully plan out different times to study and work on schoolwork around your jobs schedule. Working through college also helps students to learn to multitask, work with themselves, and push themselves to work harder than they thought they
could. Another way working through college pays off in other ways than money is that students can get a lot of experience in their field of study if they work in a job that is in that field. If students are able to find a job in their field of study, it will look better to have that experience on their resume. Also, students can often find internships which can turn into paying jobs. In 2015, 86% of college graduates had no job lined up in their field of study after college (thedailycaller). This is why it is important for students to try to get their foot in the door before they are completely out of the other. Working through college is one of the best ways for a student to obtain their degree. College often comes with debt, so working to pay for some of college helps to bring that debt price down. Working also gives students a way to better their time management skills and get a step ahead of the game called life.