Working with Existing Data Management Systems
COPYWRITE (2013) BY Robert Ortega
MIS405 – 1302A -01: Database Design
Instructor: Anita Arceneaux, PhD
Wednesday, May 8, 2013; Sunday May 12, 2013
Colorado Technical University
Virtual Campus
Three other Requirements for Database Various other aspects and needed requirements are to be introduced and implemented into Jim and Tim’s new ACCESS™2010® Relational Database Management Systems from concepts, theories, analysis, import/export, referential integrity, primary/foreign/ non keys, data-modeling, and normalization. Needs to assure value, structure, relationship, and integrity are implemented in the relational database management systems (RDBMS) for the explicit users ability to flawless query information/data which allows by logical authentication to request, add, modify, and view correct, understandable intellectual organizational RDBS while using the export and import functions of ACCESS™2010®, EXCEL 2010, and MS SQL SERVER. One issue with almost all software (any type) is because humans write the code for software and on the other hand other humans reverse engineer written software finding weakness, and design script or bot code, which will become a threat agent in a form of a Trojan-horse, viruses, Dos, DDoS, and other forms of illegal hacking to steal intellectual data. A suggestion is using a specific tool called CAPTCHA “(Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans apart),” also known as “Gausebeck-Levchin Test.” This is to create anti-fraud detection, which prevents a script or a bot from being able to complete authentication. Although, this tool used in Pay-Pal transactions, its use for on-line of other types of internet web transactions to assure a live human interaction. This tool implementation into the accounting section between customers to RoboBoys and even between Jim, Tim, and vendors, which helps prevent the