Module 11 Working with Groups of children
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Abstract. Babies and young children inhabit an evolving world of information, computers and technology (ICT). Children should be given opportunities form a young age to experience, learn and participate in ICT within the learning environment, enabling developing skills in their PSED and other learning areas. I conducted a small scale research project amongst two different early year’s settings to look into how ICT can be imbedded within PSED alongside other areas of development for pre-school age children. In order to gain better knowledge and understanding I observed groups of children during different activities at the different settings. I planned activities using ICT in small groups amongst learning areas such as Literacy, Mathematics and Creative to obtain more information regarding the children’s capabilities and understanding of ICT. I interviewed a teacher of pre-school aged children and a small group of boys aged 3-5 years old, as well as surveying 15 practitioners, 15 parents/carers, about their children’s use of technology and their feelings towards ICT within the setting and the home environment. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all the children who kindly took part in activities and observations, the parents of the children and practitioners who helped with the participation as well as taking the time to fill out my questionnaires, this was all most appreciated and most useful for the research project. I would also like to give thanks to my friends, family, for the constant support especially my children who have been most helpful. KEY WORDS: Information, computer, technology (ICT), Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Early Years, Practitioner, Pre-School Introduction: Research is an investigation of one’s interest in order to find out facts and make improvements or even implement something new for the better. I have
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