Workplace Challenges:
A Review of Current Stressors, Anger Management, and the Developement of Coping Techniques
Dwayne Adams
Metropolitan Community College
This paper was prepared for HMRL 1010 5B Human Relationship Skills
Spring 2012-13
Instructor, Melinda J. Classen, M.S.
Many nations and various groups compete and continuously reposition theirselves to gain international standing in the post modern world. 21st. Century America is no exeption and continues to remain one of the “standouts” of this global socio-economic matrix.
To maintain this present leading position, one necessary method seems to be the development of ”Human Relations Skills” as a whole. One of the factors that influence this development is the understanding of stressors, and developing and improving coping strategies to effectively deal with them and how they relate to the workplace.
This paper suggests that to be successful in today's competitive and diversified workplace, it has become increasingly important for any ambitious worker to understand any such stressors. It also examines these stressors, and typical reaction patterns.
Additional queries investigate personal anger expression. Emphasis is given to various techniques to develop and improve stress and anger management strategies, and to effectively deal with change.
The purpose is to achieve the improvements previously stated as necessary to remain competitive in the workplace.
Workplace Challenges:
A Review of Current Stressors,
References: Balancing Act, Worksheet 1(Exercise A), Managing Stress, 2nd Edition, CRM (619) 931-5792, no stated author Holmes and Rahe Stress Test2, copyright c Houghton Miffflin Company: 8/14/2003;, no stated author Human Relation Skills, HRML 1010, Chapter 9 Stress, Chapter 10 Anger and Conflict Pearson Learning Solutions, 312-369 Mishori, Ranit, PhD, Can Stress Make You Sick,10/25/2009, StayHealthy, “Parade” magazine . p.16 Checking Your Coping Style, Chapter 14, (class handout), author & date unknown 50 Ways to Reduce Stress, (class handout), author & date unknown How Vulnerable are you to Stress, (class handout), author & date unknown Stress Discussion, (class handout), author & date unknown