Carlos Soto
Date 9/17/14
_ Class
Short Answer
Directions: Answer each question in the space provided.
1. In general, what is the significance of the color red on machinery and around the workshop?
The significance of the color red on machinery and around the workshop means there is danger emergency.
2. Name three common hazards in the workshop.
The three common hazards in the workshop inculde fire,electricity and hazardous materials.
3. List two common causes of accidents in the workshop and explain how to avoid them.
Fire : make sure you know where the fire alarm is, know a saftey plan know the number of fire department.
Electricity: Make sure there are good enough outlets and circuts, use only grcis, naver remove a grounding prong, chcek pulgd and cord.
4. Explain why ground-fault circuit interrupters should be used in the workshop.
They should be used to protect you by detecting leaks to ground and breaking the circut.
5. List three types of hazardous materials commonly found in the workshop and describe the potential hazard each presents.
liquids such as paint can cause headaches,nausea,dizziness
Woods such as south american mahogany and western cedar can be toxic and chemicals can be inhaled. Saw dust can be hazradous to your lungs.
6. What is a Material Safety Data Sheet? How should you use it?
_ Class
7. If you are unsure how to dispose of a hazardous chemical, how can you find out?
8. Describe appropriate dress for the woodworking workshop.
9. When should you wear safety glasses or goggles?
10. Describe the dangers associated with noise levels generated by power tools.
11. What is the best way to protect yourself from harmful dust and vapors?
12. When should you wear gloves in the workshop? When shouldn't you?
13. What safety factors should you take into consideration when setting up a workshop?
14. What should you do if a coworker experiences an electrical shock and cannot let go