1. Introduction------------------------------------------------ 2
2. Primary Research---------------------------------------- 2 2.1. Methodology---------------------------------------- 2 2.2. Findings---------------------------------------------- 3
3. Discussion-------------------------------------------------- 4
4. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------4
5. References------------------------------------------------- 6
6. Appendix---------------------------------------------------- 7 6.1. Questionnaire-------------------------------------- 7
1. Introduction
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In addition, to host the FIFA World Cup might be considered a great honour for all countries but also extremely competitive. If any country wants to bid for host the FIFA World Cup, there is a significant point, the stadia. According to BBC ( HYPERLINK "", ’provide at least 12 stadia with minimum capacities of 40,000, with the final to be held in a stadium with a capacity of at least 80,000.’ This means the countries must meet certain conditions in order to join the bid. Furthermore, England is now bidding for the FIFA World Cup host in 2018. There is one significant argument in favour of England hosting in 2018, the stadia. Hubpages ( points out that Wembley national stadium with 90,000 seats was one of the world 's most famous football stadium. It can be a important argument over England is suitable for hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2018. This project will mainly focus on discussing significant argument in favour of England hosting the 2018 World Cup.
2. Primary Research
2.1 Methodology
This survey was conducted on 6th July 2010, by giving a questionnaire with 9 questions to 12 overseas students who were studying for pre-sessional course at
References: BBC Sport (2010). England 'perfect ' 2018 host - Fabio Capello. Online. Internet. 18 May. 2010. Available: HYPERLINK "" (Accessed 09/ July/ 2010). England 2018 Bid (N.D.). FIFA 'S Process. Online. Internet. N.D. Available HYPERLINK "" (Accessed 30/ June/ 2010). Hubpages (2008). Wembley Stadium, Football 's New Home. Online. Internet. 2008. Available: HYPERLINK "" (Accessed 14/July/2010).