As exotica is only an imitation, the authencity of the music is often questioned, the lack of any link between foreign cultural tradition (musically speaking) often results in guilt free consumption by the audience as stated by Phillip Hayward. (Hayward, 1999: 14)
As technology become more advanced in the recent years, the lines of authencity become more and more blurred because of wider acceptance of cross-cultural diasporic events happening throughout the world.
The use of samples became more and more available to the world, many people utilized it in a way that it almost is another genre of its own. Exotica exists in almost all type of genres because of this.
With the globalization effect, both the audiences and musicians are within reach of many non-western music through the use of internet, television and many other types of media. This also lead to many fusion with western and and non-music with use of traditional elements. This tendency is happening more and more recently.
While western music are creating exoticism by incorporating non-western cultural traditions, usually by either collaborations or using non-western musical instruments and elements of it, e.g.: Yanni, Enya, non-western musicians are also doing similar things, where non-western musicians try approach the western market by fusing their cultural traditions with western musical elements. This can be seen with recent groups like twelve girls band, a Chinese group of female musicians where by using traditional instruments incorporate modern (western) arrangements, created a