My first reaction to this book was one of curiosity. I was curious about the title of this book and I was also interested in how this book would apply to my sociology class, which I am taking at the University of Guam. The column, “An Easy Way to Happiness” is a simple and creative approach to the universal quest for happiness and well-being. Dr. Khorram begins by examining how practicing gratitude has positive effects on both emotional and physical wellbeing. This column offers ideas on how to develop habits of gratefulness, such as making a list of all of the things that you are grateful for.
It is very easy to feel and be grateful when circumstances are good. The real test is having genuine gratefulness when life is difficult. If we decide to show more gratitude towards others daily, we can have a more positive effect on our community and families. Having gratitude is a reward in itself. The more a person attempts to show gratitude, the more he will be able to appreciate the little things in life. Gratitude is a form of appreciation and appreciation can help lead us to contentment. Contentment is to be satisfied. Being satisfied encourages feelings of being at peace. When we are at peace, it will be easier for us to experience happiness. Gratitude is an easy way to experience happiness.
”Look in the Mirror” is a response to a reader, who poses the question, “What can I do to not dwell on the faults of others?” Dr. Khorram encourages his readers to not focus on the faults and