World Problems are problems that affect not just one particular group of people in the world but a large number of several groups in the world. Famine is the biggest World Problems facing us today. Even though we as Americans have not yet seen or experienced the horrors of famine, other parts of the world have. We need to take action and solve this problem before it gets out of hand, and there are several ways to do it. Some ways are controlling the birth rate in LDC's, Funding the poor and hungry so they can grow there own food for themselves, and developing methods of construction so that cities and overpopulated areas can go up instead of out.
First we need to fide a way to get LDC's (Less Developed Countries) to lower their population and their birth rate. We have seen from such countries like China who have put laws on their people on it having more than one child per couple and it has seemed to drop the birth rate to 1.58 from 5.46 in the late 1970's. So maybe we should put this One Child Policy on all countries that have a population that is too high for their country to with stand.
Second is to fund organization that help people in LDC's people provide food for themselves in a sustainable way. Because ultimately we could get poor and starving areas not that do not get aid from foreign countries to where they are able create their own, steady, supply of food. This would put less demand on Developed countries so that they can center their attention on other pressing matters.
Third is to provide an alternative to the overpopulation problems. The problem of overpopulation is a direct issue directed to famine. So what do we do? We'll we can not spread the population over a vast area because if we do that the famine problem will not be solved. This would just cause less land to grow food and raise animals for food. So maybe we should start building cities and overpopulated areas up. This would solve the famine problem so what