World System Theory
By: Ahsan Ishaq(4th Semester) Presented to: Dr. Tahir Amin
Area Study Centre,
There are many dimensions for the study of international relations, one of which is political economy. World system theory and the dependency theory are amongst the chief theories of this dimension. These theories have emerged particularly as a quest for development and economic prosperity of the third world. The concept of development itself is also quite complex. It refers to degree of modernity that includes social and political characteristics such as rate of social mobility, complexity of social structure, degree of specialization in political and social roles and institutions, national integration, urbanization and limitation on government power accompanied by the rise of mechanisms for compromise and for the expression of popular will. The concept is also linked with the level of productivity, pattern of distribution and equality of distribution etc.
World System Theory:
The world system theory is concerned with the origins and dynamics of modern world economy and the existence of worldwide uneven development. Hence it is essentially a historically based theory of global development. It is an improvement over the dependency theory which was chiefly concerned only with the under development of the third world. A world-system is any historical social system of interdependent parts that form a bounded structure and operate according to distinct rules, or a unit with a single division of labor and multiple cultural systems. Three types of systems stand out: mini-systems, world empires, and world-economies. The structure of the international system has varied historically depending on the dominant mode of production (e.g., feudalism, capitalism). The modern world-system is a