Chapter 26, Section 1
Identify – Fill in the Blank
entente1. A non-binding agreement to follow common policies
militarism 2. Glorification of the military
Alsace and Lorraine 3. Provinces claimed by both Germany and France
ultimatum 4. A final demand
neutrality 5. The policy of not taking sides in a war
Multiple Choice
___B__ 6. Which nations made up the Triple Alliance? A. Germany, Britain, France B. Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary C. Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungry D. Germany, Britain, Russia
__C___ 7. Which of the following was a major cause of rising international tensions in the early 1900’s? A. the first modern Olympic games B. Britain’s small navy C. competition for colonial territories D. First Universal Peace Conference
__D___ 8. Why were Serbian nationalists angry when Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary visited Bosnia? A They did not want him to succeed to the throne. B They wanted Bosnia to join the Russian empire. C They thought he supported the Slavs over the Serbs. D They saw the Austrians as oppressive foreign rulers.
____A_ 9. For which of the following reasons did Russia join in World War I? • Austria declared war on Serbia, and Russia was its ally. • Russia did not want Germany and Austria to gain new lands. • The British government asked Nicholas II to take sides. • William II sent an insulting telegram to Nicholas II.
___B__10. What was the Schlieffen Plan designed to avoid? A. Britain’s involvement in the war B. a war on two fronts C. a war with Belgium D. an alliance with Russia