
World War I: The First Russian Revolution

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World War I: The First Russian Revolution
stages, the revolution started in February and finished in October. As a result of this revolution, it removed Russia from the war and brought about the takeover of the Russian empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist republic’s hands, replacing the traditional Tsarist autocratic monarchy with the world’s first communist state. From Word War I losses, poor leadership, falling industries to chronic food shortages, the people of Russia were fed up with how their country was run and how weak it was becoming. In order to make a change there need to be a revolution, a revolution that ended the negative outcomes pushing Russia forward.

From the start of World War I, Russia was already heading downhill with its economic problems growing steady
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As millions of citizens quickly became conscripted into war, the agriculture industry went into shock. More than half the farmers had left, leaving their farms and crops behind sending Russia into a serious shortage in agriculture causing a corresponding decline in food production. As the industry moved into crisis during the war, there were major problems in receiving vital raw materials from overseas putting stress on local stock which unfortunately was scarce. By 1916, there were serious shortages of food in the city shops and the price of even the most basic foods was rising steeply. As food became nearly impossible to obtain and outstanding high sums of rent and rates were needed to be paid, the weakened population of Russia became restless wanting a change in the way their lives were lived and an end to the current economic and social system. Coupled with the shortage of manpower in the …show more content…
With confusion in the law, judgement and decisions, the government lacked confidence and authority in making the country run in a correct manner. With most decisions needing the last say from Tsar, the country moved no where but backwards. Issues on poverty, work rights, the war, falling industries, health, the economy and much more were always attempted but never finished, it is a result of Tsar’s weak and indecisive leadership. His hesitant leadership was seen when Russia’s cities began to expand and large numbers of peasants moved to the cities to take up new jobs. As time went on, millions were in tightly packed and expanding urban areas, experiencing problems of poor and cramped housing, bad wages, and a lack of rights in their jobs. The government was afraid and reluctant of the developing population, but more worried of driving foreign investment away by supporting better wages. Tsar went back and forth between making concessions to his people and then opting for repressive measures. From this, he allowed breathing space for a revolutionary movement to develop while creating fresh grievances that strengthened the political forces against him. In February 1917, rioting began in the capital city of Petrograd, as crowds attacked bakeries in the desperate search for bread. In the following days, strikes and demonstrations

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