After all the land was divided the Soviet Union controlled East Germany. Just like the Soviet Union, the economy in East Germany was struggling to get back on its feet after the war. While West Berlin became a popular area, East Berlin was nearly nothing. The shelves in the stores were nearly bare, and what was there was bad quality. Under the shock of the people of East Germany, the Soviet Union went against their promises, and made East Germany a Communist country. This decision by the Soviet Union even further separated East Germany from the rest of Europe.
East Germany was now all by itself, and by the summer of 1952 the border between East and West Germany was closed; only in Berlin the border was still open. The people of East Germany realized that they were trapped in East Germany, and if they wanted out they would have to risk their lives in doing so. In the late 1950’s about 8,000 to 10,000 people from East Germany left and each day they would move further and further west. Many of these people were from East Berlin, and the government of East Germany knew that they couldn’t afford to loose all of these people.
Their economy was suffering, and with the loss of so many people the