After the outbreak of World War 2, Philip Randolph (A leading black American union leader) tried to make the military a fairer place for black people to work in. This was left unanswered and was the most likely cause for the Executive Order 8802 which helped with job discrimination in war mobilisation. Owing to this order million’s more black people then found jobs, about a million of these getting jobs in the military. Even though there was still segregation in some of the military sections (for example they had all-black units for black soldiers and Marine …show more content…
into a more enlightened attitude towards one tenth of its people’ they were basically saying that the whole Nazi idea of having a perfect community without certain people with religious or ethnic beliefs would maybe let people of America see that being discriminative to black people was in ways like the Nazi’s because they were treated so bad that they saw a connection with America wanting them to be taken out and not treated fairly. In Southern States of America such as Alabama and Mississippi this was particularly an