Admired by its evergreen image, Mother Nature in recent years has suffered great danger by individuals. Organizations such as the World Wildlife Federation or WWF have captured interesting images in order to raise awareness such as their famously known image “Before it’s too Late.” Established on September 11, 1961 the World Wildlife Federation was funded in order “to stop the degradation of the” planet “Earth’s natural environment, and build a future in which humans can live” peacefully “with nature.” In addition the WWF “works in 100” different “countries and is supported by” about “five million people globally” (Hails). With this bravura reputation the audience inclines to believe the photograph has not been photo shopped by a random person. In this image the WWF captures Mother Nature as a vital organ of the human body; the lungs. One lung appears in a green color while the other lung is…
Eco System damage- 60% of the worlds ecosystem services have been degraded and species extinctions are running between 100 and 1000 times…
A global issue I would like to raise is extinction of species. Although natural selection is still the main drive of existence, and the fact 99.9% of species ever existing are now extinct. The last 2-3 hundred years of man is definitely a contributing factor. Hawaii, only habited for 2000 years is accountable to 70% of the extinctions in USA, and 75% of the endangered species list. Over harvesting, pollution and general habitat destruction for development are harsh reality. Even though the monitoring from the ICUN and the establishment of various trusts to help. It’s clearly evident that we are a dangerous existence trying to kill its environment and itself.…
The is helping other individuals see the issue of imperiled creatures, and inspire them to acknowledge how awful this is. Since pandas can't tell individuals that they are jeopardized and require enable, we can enable them to do that by getting the message out for them. Building associations and making mindfulness is another approach to help take care of the issue of the imperiled creatures. By getting together and helping the pandas, their populace will begin to increment. In the event that everybody can get together and do this then the panda can, at last, be removed from the jeopardized list.…
Someone has to say what needs to be said, and do what needs to be done and take the kinds of strong action to dramatize it. <br><br>Earth First! wants to make the mainstream environmental groups operate more effectively by making them appear reasonable in comparison. It also strives to be a force in its own right, taking whatever actions within its means that were necessary to protect the ecology, irrespective of the mainstream environmental movement's agenda or the niceties of politics or even the constraints of thelaw. Earth First! should stand for the radical proposition that the natural world should be preserved for its won sake, not for the sake of any real or imagined benefits to humanity. Restoring the natural world to its wild state, thereby putting the integrity of ecosystems above economic and political considerations, a position that in its academic setting was known as biocentrism, or more generally Deep Ecology.<br><br>The central idea of Earth First! is "that humans have no divine right to subdue the Earth, that…
stretches of riverbank to survive. There are only about 8,000 to 16,000 wild jaguars left…
UNEP was established in 1972, and acts as a catalyst, advocate, and educator for the development of the global environment (United Nations Environment Programme). UNEP works directly with United Nations entities, national governments, and other organizations to better the environment (United Nations Environment Programme). UNEP is able to achieve this by devoting much of its energy to topics such as climate change, disasters and conflicts, ecosystem management, environmental guidance, harmful substances, and resource efficiency (United Nations Environment Programme). UNEP benefits the environment by making its resources available to governments, scientists, journalists, the civil society, business people, and even children (United Nations Environment…
The world wildlife fund was founded on April 29th, 1961, in Morges Switzerland by Julian Huxley, Edward Nicholson, Peter Scott, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Prince Philip, and Duke of Edinburgh. To this day, the headquarters is still based where it has been originally founded in Switzerland. Over the fifty years since founded, WWF invested almost $10 billion in more than 13000…
As we all should know from our seventh grade history class or a one-hundred level history class here in college, the American Bison were hunted to near extinction in the 19th century. Thanks to organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, millions of animals and thousands of animal species that were near extinction, like the American Bison, are still living today. Through research and my love for animals, I have learned quite a bit about the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and would like to share my love for animals and information about this great organization to others.Some…
The current condition of many species of animals is very severe and the extinction rate of animals is increasing with an alarming speed. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),it calculated that the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms in 2008. Destructive human activities have led to the current rate of species extinction, which is at least 100–1,000 times higher than the expected natural rate. Although almost every country has their own laws and there are many organizations in the world to work toward the protection of endangered species. However,the work is far from done. Many countries have relatively effective laws and policies,but there is not a good way to enforce them. Therefore,destroying of habitats, killing and trading of endangered animals, eating of wild animals and mistreat of animals are still happen in the world.…
Wildlife conservation organizations play a very important role in the preservation of wildlife species in the United States today. Organizations such as the Quality Deer Management Association, Ducks Unlimited, Quail Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and others take part in many conservation projects each year to benefit and preserve wildlife. Organizations like these use donations as funds for many of the projects which are aimed toward replenishing struggling wildlife habitats and improving the health of struggling wildlife…
John Muir made the incomparable Yosemite Valley the center of his experience. Soon his words reached the larger audience of the New York Tribune and other influential publications, and he was writing that the Sierra should be explored by everyone, and permanently protected as a recreational resource accessible to all. In 1889 Muir embarked on an excursion in northern Yosemite with Robert Underwood Johnson. The two planned a campaign for a Yosemite National Park, a campaign that succeeded the following year when Congress established the park. Sierra Club was founded on May 28 with 182 charter members in 1892 The Sierra Club 's charter members elected Muir president, an office he held until his death in 1914.…
Earth is composed of many different ecosystems and each one is a “dynamic complex of plant, animal, and micro-organism communities interacting with the non-living environment as a functional unit" (Protecting Threatened Ecosystems, 2004). These ecosystems are an intricate part of the human lifecycle as they provide us with our water, food and energy. Since mankind is in a take and take some more relationship with the ecosystems, many of them have had their natural processes disrupted, not to mention the added pollution and excessive use. According to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, "Over 60% of all ecosystems on the globe are overexploited and have entered into a degradation cycle with often unknown consequences" (2004). How do we as humans combat this you ask? The answer, a simple one, is through ecosystem maintenance by conservation or preservation.…
They defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing and confronting environmental abuse, and championing environmentally responsible solutions…
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) coordinates United Nations environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. It was founded as a result of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in June 1972 and has its headquarters in the Gigiri neighborhood of Nairobi,Kenya. UNEP also has six regional offices and various country offices.…