Worldview/Religion Analysis of Islam
Elizabeth Case
Student ID: L6924379
Presented to: Dr. Raymond Johnson
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of
Introduction to Apologetics
APOL 500
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Lynchburg, VA
April 3, 2011
Worldview/Religion Analysis of Islam
Summary of Islam
The Arabic term Islam literally means “surrender” or “submission”. The followers of Islam, known as Muslims (from the active participle of Islam), accept or surrender to the will of Allah, the Arabic word for god. Allah is viewed as a unique god who is creator and restorer of the world. The will of God, to which man is to submit, is made known through the Qur'an (the Koran), which was revealed to his messenger Muhammad. Muhammad, it is claimed was the last of the great prophets which included Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus and some others. The basic belief of Islam is expressed in the shahadah, the Muslim confession of faith, "There is no god but God; Muhammad is the prophet of God."1 Islam was the vision of Muhammad on his fortieth birthday. He believed he was visited by the angel Gabriel who brought him a solemn message. He was told that the world had abandoned true religion and he was chosen by God, as a prophet to bring the final message to the world. Later, Muhammad claimed to be taken on a night journey into heaven. This fantastic journey supposedly took him first to Jerusalem and then to Paradise where he was introduced to “all the prophets of Islam” including Moses and Jesus. It was through this journey that Muhammad received the detailed rituals of daily prayer and the core message of Islamic history and faith.2
Islam was founded as a complete repudiation of Christianity. It explicitly denies the trinity. It denies the Fatherheart of God, divinity of Christ and the person of the Holy Spirit. Islam claims that the Old Testament of the Bible became flawed when it was translated from
References: Hindson, Ed and Caner, Ergun. 2008. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers. Caner, Ergun, Nine Notes: Middle Eastern Religions: The Apologetic to Monotheistic Worldviews. The Text of the Bible and Some Types of Corruption in it, Understanding Islam, Caner, Ergun, Lecture Nine Notes: Middle Eastern Religions: The Apologetic to Monotheistic Worldviews. Islam Watch, Telling the Truth About Islam, More Questions for Muslims, Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry,