Book Report
Worship Matters
TO Dr. Rodney WHALEY
WRSP 510
May 3, 2015
Henrietta Porter
Book Report
WRSP 510 Biblical Foundations of Worship
Kauflin Bob, Worship Matters
In chapter 1, Kauflin talk about the important things that we should remember when it comes to worship. He resourcefully uses examples of his own life to point out at times how much he himself had messed up in His worship ministry and how through his relationship with God got back on track. (6), Worship is about what we love and what we live for (17). Therefore it is important to discover from the onset …show more content…
In this chapter, Kauflin builds up a working definition of a worship leader. He defines a worship leader as one who is a faithful worship leader, magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit by skillfully combining God’s Word with music thereby motivating the gathered church to proclaim the gospel, to cherish God’s presence, and to live for God’s glory. (55) A worship leader exercise various gifts from pastor, leading, administration, and teaching, (54) whatever God puts my hands to do, I must do it to glorify my father.
Chapter 7 A Faithful Worship Leader stresses the fact that a worship leader must be faithful in leading the congregation towards true worshipping. Leaders are to lead with “zeal” that involves leading people to praise God with energy, intentionality, and thoughtfulness. (59) In addition, a faithful leader should not lead in “such a way that we’re the center of attention, we’; reap a man-centered focus, shallow compliments, and ungodly comparisons. The fruit of a faithful leader does not always result in me being commended, applauded, or …show more content…
(191) The greatest tradition in our worship can become meaningless unless they effectively communicate God’s truth to the people who we are communing with. Therefore, relevancy is just as important as being rooted. What may be relevant in one church may not be relevant in another church. The important thing is to make sure that the story of God’s redemption can be clearing understood and accepted by those who are seeking to be touch by the