The price of college is increasing, which means more students feel as though it is too expensive to go to college. In preparing to go to college, there are factors like paying for tuition, room and board, and books. People are missing the big picture. High school graduates can not afford to not go to college. For those who believe the cost of college is simply unattainable, these students may be unaware that a higher education can give students a better life with higher earnings. In this essay, I plan to prove that college is worth the expense.
College, to a number of people, is where students can be independent along with getting a higher education. “One of the reasons why going to college can be something beneficial …show more content…
Since money is a big factor and is a huge reason students decide to not go to college, some colleges may be able to contribute to most expenses majority of the time. Obtaining a college education can always be rewarding for everyone. Some believe that graduating from college guarantees higher earnings. According to Justin Draeger, the President and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, “The majority of college graduates are likely to end up in job zones 4 or 5, where the median incomes are around $50,000 and $60,000.” Although there are circumstances such as being in loan debt, Draeger also says, “Higher education levels are especially critical for low-income students who may need to turn to loans in order to meet unmet need.” This quote supports high school students in a low-income communities to apply to college regardless of money situations. A college’s goals are for students to apply to their school. They want all types of education hungry students that want to broaden their interests to come to their school and invest in their teaching ethics versus any other college. Colleges have loans, grants, and financial aid, for the students. A college’s job is to provide for the student so no obstacles can get in the way of a student getting a higher