According to the psychologic studies, women are not as prone to violence and war as men.
Women are more peaceful and stale to cooperation than men because of the fact taht gender stereotyping
The women, who were damaged by men, use the peace as a tool against the men.
According to the psychologic studies, there are biological differecess between men and women. These studies show us women are naturally less aggressive than men and men are prone to violance than women. There are many studies about this subject. However the most important is Fukuyama's study.In accordance with Fukuyama's argument that women are naturally less aggressive, he states that in studies of chimps the males are the ones who commit the violent acts while the females do not participate. In historically women have played a part as mother, as wife in private spaces and men have played a part as a warrior and intendant. According to Harvard University psychologist Steven Pinker's article, called The Better Angels of Our Nature, men and women take on different roles in society. He says "Over the long sweep of history, women have been and will be a pacifying force. Traditional war is a man's game: tribal women never band together to raid neighbouring villages". In addition girls and boys are raisen with different ways by their parents.Girls are raisen as supplier and subservient and boys are encouraged to be more aggressive and less related to home. These ways of raisen are affect women and men's social and political behaviour. Due to these reasons women have been more peaceful and stale to cooperation than men in every way. Women are living in the patriarchal society and they are subjected to psychologic and physical violance in their homes, their works and all of the life area. Acording to the Ali Eryılmaz's article, called Investigating the Peace Attitudes with Respect to Self -Esteem and Gender, women who