Course Information
Course Number, Section
Course Title
Class Time & Location
85259 & 84605, MKT6301.003 and MKT6301.501
Marketing Management
Fall 2014
Fri 4:00 – 6:45 p.m./7:00 – 9:45 p.m., JSOM 12.214
Professor Contact Information
Dmitri Kuksov
Office Phone
(972) 883-5928
JSOM 13.225
Office Hours
F 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. or by appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Overview of marketing management methods, principles and concepts including product, pricing, promotion and distribution decisions as well as segmentation, targeting and positioning. COURSE MATERIALS:
Textbook: “Marketing Management” by Kotler and Keller, 14th ed. (other editions ok), 2011. ISBN:
0132102927 or 978-0132102926.
Required Course Packet: Purchase at (~$20 copyright fee) contains 5 HBS cases which we will discuss in detail in class:
1) Biopure Corp.
2) Optical Distortions, Inc. (A)
3) Eastman Kodak: Funtime Film
4) Dogfight over Europe: Ryanair (A)
5) Culinarian Cookware: Pondering Price Promotions
Lecture Notes & Assignments: Will be available online
Popular Press: Some relevant articles will be posted online or distributed in class
The course starts with consideration of the marketing environment the firm operates in and how the marketing strategy should be adopted to fit and evolve with the marketing environment. These considerations are often referred to as the 3 Cs of marketing: the company, the competition, and the customer. Specific topics of interest discussed in this part of the semester include consumer behavior, market segmentation, targeting and positioning, environmental trends, strategic planning, and competitor analysis to name a few. In addition, we will examine the tools marketing researchers use to analyze these aspects of the