Note book is a mixture of fact, fiction and speculation.
Your task as reader is to discover the truth.
Bradley makes use of historical incidents and real people. He also draws inspiration from other texts. This is called intertextuality. For example he draws on Conrad’s book Heart of Darkness to explore the darkness in man’s heart. His character Kurt parallels Conrad’s Kurtz.
He also quotes from Ondaatje p.37 to develop his idea about maps “whose portraits have nothing to do with surface.” This coupled with his narrative about the explorers in the Age of Colonialism
Develops the idea that reality can be deceptive. It can hold hidden dangers and often are a false premise to start a quest. This links to
Look at the maps and you will see how they are inaccurate especially in terms of representing Australia. The decorations are also inaccurate. These maps were a work of speculation.
They were deceptive and sometimes dangerous. Mathew Flinders was one explorer who rejected the Maps.
Maps are a METAPHOR for in the inconclusive and uncertain nature of history.
Maps were guarded and kept secret symbolic of the competition between those who were seeking to discover and then to protect those discoveries. Maps were a symbol of power. Because the secrecy meant they got lost it also shows the reader that discoveries can be lost. “In the shifting patterns of time”
This links to the reoccurring images of SHIFTING SANDS. And WRACK/WRECK/SHIP. David and Kurt are linked by their mutual quest to discover/ rediscover the shipwreck. Their problems are symbolised by the shifting sands.
The image of footprints both as a heading and within narratives suggests evidence – someone has been there but couples with images of sand show evidence can be lost like the ship/wreck. Again history is inconclusive.
There are 3 stories all interwoven
David’s search, his current research. This collides with