While the movie was good, it was a little predictable.
I think that this would be a good movie for children, not so much for adults because it’s pretty easy to figure out that they’ll save the owls. The movie was a little corny too. Sometimes the actors didn’t really seem like they were into it. It seemed like they were just directly reading off their scripts. Hoot has a little bit of drama in it. It’s not extremely dramatic, but I think that it has just the right amount. The director (Wil Shriner) did a good job at knowing how much drama to throw in. Some comedy was also in the movie, and that made the movie better. I don’t usually watch dramatic movies, but this was one that I liked. Comedy movies are my favorite, so I think that’s probably why I liked it as much as I
did. I would give this movie 4 stars. It was a great children’s movie, but you have to admit it was a little corny at times.