is employed at Safe- T-Swim teaching kids how to swim.
As far as her family goes she lives with her mother whom is 58 years young, her cousin whom is 21 and her other cousin whom is 25. As for extracurricular activities; D’andra has babysat and she does dance.
D’andra’s opinion on the usefulness of college is that it’s very important and it helps you learn more about different careers and helps you on what you need to achieve; and also it helps you find better jobs then if you don’t go to college. She thinks interpersonal communication is very useful and important and it expands your mind and life than what we know. Honestly, she doesn’t necessarily trust anyone because nobody has given her a reason to have her trust them. D’andra doesn’t think people are generally bad because she thinks everything in the world is balanced and is a part of life the good and the bad. She thinks that friendship is a wonderful thing and it helps you discover who you truly are meaning the good
friends help but the bad ones are just a lesson to teach you that you’re worth more than what they treat you. Her opinion on marriage is that it’s a wonderful thing but it’s a little controlled by the government but it helps stabilize the relationship. She supports any type of marriage for example gay marriage. Love is love and nobody can change that. She believes that people are considered aggressive are stressed and have no time management to think and all they do is rush to conclusions and just fight. Along with almost everybody D’andra also agrees that terrorism is an awful thing it’s a hard thing to prevent. And it’s how the world made the people and how they react to it. The world is full of leaders and followers and some people just want to be a part of something even if it’s a terrible thing! She thinks that welfare is a good thing that helps people but not the right people it just favors. A lot of people take advantage of welfare and buy unnecessary things like drugs and alcohol. Her unique ability is art it shows creativity and self-expression. Makes her feel happy and content!
Her personal own Johari window is her open self is nice, thoughtful and appreciative. Her blind self is that she gives very good advice. Her hidden self is she appreciates life but still sees the bad for example insecurities. Her unknown self is a greater purpose but no one knows it because they don’t know how to get to the core of herself. But one day she’ll find out what that unknown self when the time is right. D’andra does not think there is a need to remake the world. The world is in the path it’s supposed to be despite what bad things has happened; there is still a whole lot of good. She believes that the origin of man was evolved; they started and continued to perceive them as dominant D’andra thinks having a woman as president is a good thing because everyone is equal; woman can be dominant too. Feminism kicks in also. It’s not only a man’s job, woman are just as capable and people shouldn’t be sexist and say that they shouldn’t. D’andra for president? Part of her says no because one mistake and you’re hated by everyone. And the other side of her says yes because of her open mind about everything and her understanding of everyone and each party, and she’ll make sure everybody get what they need. Who is D’andra really? She show’s not only the bad but also the good and to show people an open mind and not one sided and to see the beauty of the world and the beauty within. I’m happy to have partnered with D’andra because she turned into a stranger to a friend within 45 minutes and I’m so happy about that. I already know she’s a smart trust worthy young girl who has a very bright and successful future ahead of her.