It wasn’t something that had come to his mind all of a sudden. There had been an inkling somewhere in his thoughts that liking girls wasn’t exactly his cup of tea. Yes, he’s had girlfriends before, but he wouldn’t ever feel something special. At first, he thought it was because he was too young that he wasn’t feeling anything, but that was never the case. Even if you were young, you would have at least felt the feeling of a heart fluttering crush.
But no, Jungkook felt none of that.
His curiosity had eventually overwhelmed him and he had taken advantage of the thing called google. He would find himself searching up the same sentence over and over again until he had …show more content…
Somethings would explain the thing called homosexuality, but others would explain it as “just a phase”. He was never sure on what to believe and what not to. Of course, he was too young to have a clear opinion, so that didn’t help things either. All of this had been in elementary school. Nothing was ever explained, and he had to find the answer on his own has a 10 year old kid.
Eventually, junior high had come around and that was when he finally started getting some answers.
And, as expected, those answers were ones that he would always regret hearing for the rest of his life. After all those sleepless nights of researching he had finally understood what homosexuality was. At first, he was really scared. Such a thing wasn’t accepting in society, and it didn’t help that he lived in South Korea. Also, it wasn’t like he could talk about this kind of stuff at school with his friends, because they would no longer be his friends if he ever brought up that type of stuff.
During his second year of junior high, he had gotten himself a “girlfriend”. They had been dating for sixth months and everything seemed real. It felt as if he was actually straight. However, all of those feelings had just been on the outside. Deep down, he knew that it was wrong, and he knew that he was lying to