1.0 Introduction3
2.0 Background3
3.0 Presentation of options4
3.1 Water Reuse4
3.2 Desalination5
3.2.1 Solar Thermal Desalination 5
3.2.2 Wind Power Desalination 5
4.0 Requirements5 4.1 Cost 5 4.2 Environmental Impact 6 4.3 Policies 7
5.0 Comparison of options 7
5.1 Water Reuse7
5.1.1 Cost 7
5.1.2 Environmental Impact 8
5.1.3 Policies 9 5.2 Desalination 9
5.2.1 Cost 10
5.2.2 Environmental Impact 10
5.2.3 Policies 11
6.0 Conclusion12
7.0 Recommendations 12
Content 2
Table 1 Cost of environmental worsening in Egypt 7
Table 2 Comparison of plant costs for a brackish water RO plant and a sea water RO plant 10
Table 3 Energy needs and emissions for an RO desalination plant 11
Figure 1 Water availability per capita 4
Figure 2 Percentage of Poverty in Egypt 6
Figure 3 Water quality benefits of water conservation and beneficial reuse 9
Figure 4 MSF product unit cost over time 12
1.0 Introduction
This is a recommendation report for the Egypt water supply, comparing water reuse and desalination on the basis of cost, environmental impacts and policies area. Egypt is considered as one of the arid countries throughout the world with severe summers, mild winters, and very little rainfall (Khatri, as sited in Agrawala et al,. 2007). It is important and urgent to find a better way to provide water in Egypt as the current situation. According to Sarant (2013), due to changing climate, fast growing population, heavy pollution and lack of law enforcement, which made Egypt lack of water both in quality and quantity. 2.0 Background
Egypt is in the north-eastern corner of Africa with a total area of 1,001,450 km2 which is mainly desert and arid and semi-arid with hot summers and moderate winters (El-Nahrawy, 2011). It has a great amount of rural population (the percentage of rural citizens is estimated at about 58%) and population was estimated at 85,294,388 with a growth rate of 1.92% (Central Intelligence
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