My investment in the …show more content…
Cavallaro’s Writing Center Studies class, in which I participated in the Winter 2016 quarter, I had the opportunity to collaborate with other students to generate a collection of ‘field notes,’ or in-depth observations of tutoring sessions in the CSUSB writing center, and at the Crafton Hills College tutoring center where I work. We were then asked to synthesize writing center theory and these observations into a ‘praxis’ paper; a combination of theory and practice. Building off the work of contemporary writing center scholars such as Nancy Grimm, Alice Gillam, and Rebecca Block, I was able to generate an original and constructive critique of how tutors and tutees interact with instructor prompts within tutoring sessions. Dr. Cavallaro and I are currently working on adapting this paper so that it can be submitted to the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in 2018, one of the most prestigious conferences associated with Writing Center Studies. This positive research experience has strengthened my conviction that I am currently able to work at the level of a PhD student, and that therefore pursuing a doctoral degree would allow me to extend that work to the communities I am involved with in San Bernardino