It is a long process, which has infinite pathways, starting as early breast-feeding, and continuing on into adulthood, following whichever path the person chooses to take. Noë defines ‘organized’ as being, “primitive and “natural”; they are arenas for the exercise of attention, looking, listening, doing, undergoing; they exhibit structure in time; they are emergent and are not governed by the deliberate control of any individual; they have a function, whether social or biological or personal. And they are (at least potentially) pleasurable,” (Noë, 6) (4 in reader). Through this quote, it is apparent that his definition of being organized means something completely different than its denotation. For example, dancing is an organized activity that Noë writes about, focusing on choreographed dance directly. When a person performs a choreographed dance, they are telling a story through movement. These movements meet all the previously discussed upon criteria to be defined as an ‘organized activity’ in Noë’s point of view. Through reading Noe’s ‘Getting Organized’, the audience begins to understand that nearly anything one chooses to do, can become a great talent or passion that fulfills a person’s desire in …show more content…
Although these three actions seem completely unique from each other, sharing almost no common practices, they are surprisingly similar when looking at them using the eyes of Klinkenborg, Graham, and Noë. There is a major correlation through the learning process of each task mentioned above, along with all tasks that fit into the guidelines of Noë’s notion. While all three writers had different intentions in their literary work, combining the ideas of the piece create a whole set of life lessons that are very important to being able to live in the ‘real-life’ world. Never forget that, “Prose is the residue, the consequence, of the writer’s choices, Choices about the shape of each sentence And how each sentence shapes the others,” (Klinkenborg, 35). How an author starts their sentences can affect the rest of the work, in scores of ways, including either a beneficial or an undesirable way, as one feebly written sentence can botch the flow that the author developed. This too is a life lesson, as one wrong step, not necessarily in relation to writing, can cause a downfall in life, as well as in a piece of writing. Say that a person is texting while driving. Their callous act not only puts the remainder of their ‘story’ at risk of a sudden halt, but innocent other people’s as well, just as one poorly written sentence can do to innocent sentences further along in the writing. Everything a person does is in one way