Montresor lays the first tier of the wall right before Fortunato revives with a moan. Fortunato begins shaking his chain,
Montresor lays the first tier of the wall right before Fortunato revives with a moan. Fortunato begins shaking his chain,
Fortunato insulted Montresor so bad that he has to be avenged. Montresor feels he needs to defend his honor. He decides to lure Fortunato to his residence, so he can get his revenge. He goes out to a big event where there will be costumes and drinking. He takes him down a long staircase to what could be a basement. He calls the room a vault. The retribution may not be as rewarding as Montresor…
Edgar Allen Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado" is about a man named Montresor, who is seeking revenge on his so called friend Fortunado. Montresor did not achieve a perfect revenge. Montresor had two rules on how to achieve a perfect revenge. The first rule was to not get caught. The second was to let Fortunado know why he was doing it. In order to find out why Montresor did not achieve a perfect revenge the reader will have to read the story.…
Do you ever question your choices when it comes to matters of what is right and what is wrong? In Cask of Amontillado, the lines between what is right and what is wrong become blurred. The main character, from who’s POV is being seen, has a lust for revenge that becomes apparent quickly. He seeks revenge on a man known as Fortunato. From then on we’re taken on a dark and slightly disturbing road with these characters. Yet, this is not about Montresor… it is about the victim Fortunato.…
Revenge is a very prevalent attribute in everyone 's mental thought process especially if you…
“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon, I vowed revenge.” Montresor has felt that he has been insulted by Fortunato and he seeks revenge upon him. Since Montresor is seeking revenge Fortunato has to watch out, but that may be hard because throughout the story Fortunato is gullible, full of pride, and is an alcoholic.…
Montresor baits Fortunato by using his weakness, the love of wine. Another weakness he displays is his ego and Montresor knows this. It doesn 't take much for him to be baited into sampling his supposed newly acquired pipe of amontillado. During the trip in the catacombs Montresor compels him many times to return to the surface because of his cold, but Fortunato being drunk and a fool wants to be the one to sample the amontillado. He fails to understand the foreshadowing that Montresor provides him with the mason 's trowel, even when he asks about the Montresor coat of arms. "A huge human foot d 'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel" (Poe 208). He must not have realized how serious Montresor takes his pride. When he finally has him chained to the wall he is very shocked. His disbelief that his friend lured him to his death leaves him practically speechless. He quickly sobers up and begins to moan and cry, then to pull at the chains trying to escape then in a last ditch effort he begins to scream. Either in hopes that someone would hear him and come to his rescue or upon the realization that he is about to die. He knows that this is no joke, but he gives Montresor a chance at redemption by pretending that it is. Unfortunately whatever insult Fortunato had given, it leads to his demise. In the end all he can do is beg…
Fortunato has no idea that montressor is angry with him.Montreor has given no hint of w.when montresor he see one of his freinds on the streets one evening during the carnival season fortunaton but for fortunaton has no suspicious montersor second-degree questioning to come withj himand sample a large cask of a type of wine which he has just purchased he is proud of his abilty to recongnized good wine and he is…
There is no doubt that Montresor was the antagonist of "The Cask of Amontillado". The reader discovered that when reading about his revengefulness at the beginning of this short story. Montresor had enough with Fortunato's insults and finally decided to see an end to his life (The reader inferred that Fortunato had done something to Montresor and/or his family to upset him). "Nemo me impune lacessit" was Montresor's family motto, which meant "No one can harm me unpunished." Montresor recited this motto to Fortunato inside the vaults where he had tricked Fortunato into coming down into because of an expensive Amontillado wine. Montresor was going to keep to his family motto and therefore chastise Fortunato for what he had done.…
from past quarrels. Montresor leads Fortunato into the catacombs, using the cask of amontillado as a…
He begins the story by saying how Fortunato, has hurt him through insult and offenses. The narrator exclaims, that Fortunato, who he considered his friend, must be punished. More explicit the narrator must get revenge. Montresor, wearing a black silk mask, meets Fortunato, who is dressed up in jester clothes for a carnival celebration. Once, he sees Fortunato, who is already drunk, Montresor mentions that he bought a pipe of amontillado (a brandy), knowing that his friend considered himself an expert on wines and will be tent to go and verify the wine’s…
“The Cask of Amontillado” is quite an abusive story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story starts off when Fortunato, the antagonist, insults Montresor, the villain protagonist. Montresor plots for revenge against Fortunato in harsh ways. In order to succeed, he has to maintain characteristics of being deft, cautious, and hard-hearted.…
Also, he is clever when he tricks Fortunato into accompanying him down into the taste the wine, and when he plan to take revenge on Fortunato. He made perfect plan to murdered Fortunato by making him “Drunk more win than was good for him” (page 69). Another personality was heartless, “will not they be a waiting us at the palazzo, the lady Fortunato and the rest let us gone, yes, I said; let us be gone For the Love of God, Montresor There came forth only the jingling of the Bells” (page 72). He listens to the begging of Fortunato to be let go, but he ignores him. Also, he keeps him from pushing in the final brick and sending Fortunato to…
Being that Montresor is trying to lure Fortunato into the catacombs to kill him, it would only make sense that Montresor persuade Fortunato that they are going in for a…
Some people who want to get revenge often go to extents even to cheat people through hypocrisy. . "The Cask of Amontillado" recounts the last meeting between two aristocratic gentlemen, the narrator Montresor and the wine connoisseur Fortunato. While Fortunato remains joyful ignorant of Montresor's true intentions for most of the story, the visible pleasure Montresor takes in relating his story, proudly recalling every detail fifty years after the fact, suggests a state of mind free of remorse and detached from any sense of conscience. All Montresor thinks about of is killing Fortunato and he takes advantage of him. Montresor’s hypocrisy is shown by his the speech he uses to make Fortunato blind to reality. Fortunato does not have a clue…
In “The Cask of Amontillado” the theme revenge can be perceived with Montresor’s wishes to make Fortunato pay for insulting him. Montresor, an unreliable narrator, kills his rival (Fortunato) without thinking about it twice. Although, he does give Fortunato a chance to save himself by asking if he wishes to go back, when…